My Space Story - Raj Ali

My name is Raj Ali and my business RSTARS Technologies delivers web and software services to SME companies who are looking to scale their businesses using technology.  


My career so far has been a widely varied one, I have worked in retail, real estate and in technology across the UK and middle east. I have launched and sold two fin-tech start-ups and now use my skills in the public sector.

Working in such a varied set of industries in the past has helped me build my skill up with spotting up and coming industries like that of the space industry, while having previous start-up experience has given me the confidence to be able to successfully launch a space-tech start-up with no prior experience in the industry.

Interest in space

Like many other entrepreneurs currently in the space industry, I’ve always had a deep passion for travelling amongst the stars, watching every sci-fi show I could and dreaming one day I will be able to look back at the Earth from the best seat in the house.

However even with all that passion, what made me actively make the jump into the industry was seeing how the private sector were now leading the way developing amazing new technologies and breaking new ground in which traditionally was dominated by government agencies. This gave me the confidence that even though these were still very early days for the space industry that we were on the verge of a massive space-tech boom.

The UK Space Agency Accelerator

I was on Twitter following news about the space sector when I saw a post highlighting the UK Space Agency Accelerator and instantly wanted to find out more. I was initially hesitant to apply though because I had no prior experience within the space industry nor did I even have a solid business idea yet, but after reading through the description in detail I was happy to see that the accelerator welcomes people from other industries as well as people with developing ideas who need support to refine them.

I took a lot of things away from the accelerator, but the main three things were new knowledge that I was initially missing, a massive list of connections from fellow cohort members, existing businesses within the industry to contacts in STFC, UKSC and UK Space Agency. However, the most important thing I took away was a renewed sense of confidence that I can actually make my business work within the space sector.

The most surprising thing I learnt whilst on the programme was just how welcoming people in the space industry were. Not only within the programme but also from the wider industry as a whole. Everyone was so supportive and very open to share their knowledge to help me. It was extremely refreshing coming from a difficult industry like fin-tech.

Advice for space entrepreneurs

The advice I would give is to keep an open mind, be willing to learn new things continuously and don’t be afraid to attend events and meet others and build your network up. The space industry community is small but growing and is extremely welcoming to all new comers, you just don’t know who you will meet with the right opportunity for you.

From my own experience, in a short space of time I’ve met and become on a first name basis with geo-spatial engineers, professors, industry experts to parliamentary ministers and CEO’s of large corporations. I am not sure in what other industry you would have that breadth of exposure in such a short space of time.

The UK Space Agency Accelerator programme is there to help you get aligned in the right direction for your business ideas, so don’t worry if you haven’t got everything lined up or you feel like you don’t have any industry experience. Everyone in the accelerator is there to help, so play out fully and enjoy your time within it. It goes quick!

Programme highlights

The best highlight for me was the Gemini event at The National Space Centre after the end of the programme. I got to meet everyone finally face to face, do a presentation about my business ideas, and enjoy an amazing show at the planetarium! It was a great day that I will remember fondly.

Applications for the UK Space Agency Accelerator Explore cohort is open for applications until the 25th of August.


A Conversation With - Portia Bircher, UKSA Programme Lead


Meet The Partners - Exotopic